Are You Ready to Be a Witness in a Watching World?

The Daily Dose #0072

The Daily Dose #0072

Faith isn’t meant to be confined to one part of life, because God isn’t confined to one part of your life. He permeates every aspect of reality. Life in Christ influences how you think, act, and interact with everything around you. God is present, active, and relevant in every part of creation.

Today, look for God in every small detail of your life and the world around you, and give thanks. He is so abundantly involved that we often miss Him right in front of us. Don’t take the air you breathe, food you taste, the flowers you smell or beauty you see for granted. Give thanks to the Lord for He is good!

"Oh, taste and see the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him.”
— Psalm 34:8

Brief Biographical Summary

Francis Schaeffer (1912–1984) was a theologian, philosopher, and Christian apologist who founded L’Abri Fellowship in Switzerland, a center for exploring questions of faith and life. Schaeffer was known for his emphasis on integrating faith with all aspects of culture and life.

Fun fact: Schaeffer’s books, particularly The God Who Is There and How Should We Then Live?, inspired generations of Christians to think deeply about how their faith interacts with culture, philosophy, and art.

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