You Are But a Creature, Remember That!

The Daily Dose #0040

The Daily Dose #0040

You are not the master of your own destiny; God is. As His creation, your purpose, joy, and fulfillment are found only in submission to Him doing what you were made to do. Obedience to His commands brings true joy, not fleeting happiness. Your heart's deepest satisfaction comes through worshiping the One who created you through a life lived in Him.

This world promotes self-reliance and self-worship, but you must remember that your life’s meaning is not found in elevating yourself but in humbling yourself before God. Obey Him, worship Him, and trust Him, for that is where real joy, fulfillment, and wisdom lie. Only in recognizing God’s supreme authority and living in His will do you find the life you were created for.

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight."
— Proverbs 9:10

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